Coronavirus or other infectious disease: If you are due to meet with a staff member or if one of our contractors is visiting you at home (most likely for an emergency), you must let us know if you are experiencing any coronavirus symptoms or are self-isolating. Please do that by calling us on: 02392 890913, 02392 890914 or 02392 890915. If you require medical advice, please visit NHS 111 online.
Sheltered housing enquiries
Housing & Services Manager: Ian Wilson
Accounts and Rent Payments
Accounts Clerk: Kevin Manning
Tenant Services
Tenant Services Manager: Justin Tolentino
Director of Housing: Gill Peckham
For Head Office Manager and Chief Executive Officer, see CESSAC tab (all are joint staff)
General Enquiries: (023) 92829319
The office is normally open 8:30am - 4pm Monday - Thursday, and till 3pm on Friday.
Complaints about housing
There are necessarily separate policies to follow depending on whether it is regarding a scheme owned by CESSA HA or by Greenwich Hospital - please click on the appropriate document indicated, plus Annex A (Complaint Form).